MacDonald Subcamp challenge

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George from MacDonald Subcamp at Blair Atholl

Hi, I’m George from MacDonald subcamp and I hope you’re all having a great time. I’m here to show you how we build the dining shelter at Blair Atholl each year. So here’s one I prepared earlier, as you see, it’s not quite to scale. The challenge is we’re hoping that you can build it with canes. On this one I’ve used canes and rubber bands. Make sure you’re lashing them tight. Okay, so you don’t have to do it with canes. So if you just come this way a bit, you can try it with some straws, just give it a try or you’ve got some cocktail sticks. And if you’re really smart, you can try and put some plastic over the top of it as a tarpaulin. So there you go. You can try it with everything else. You can try it with a broom handles Scout staves if you can get access to them. However, when you do finish it all, and you take a video of it, or a photograph of it, you must finish it off with the Blair Atholl special, have a nice Gold Bar and enjoy the camp. Bye for now.

Post a picture or video of your model dining shelter on social media, and remember to use #BlairEverywhere so we can all see!