Make a Washer Bracelet or Necklace

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I find washers lying around everywhere. Out in my parents shed, in ‘that’ kitchen drawer that has everything, in, my bicycle repair kit and in DIY shops for pennies!

Washers are great for making DIY Jewellery. They’re made of stainless steel so wont rust or turn your skin green, they hold colour extremely well using nail polish, they are easy to texture with hammers and punches – Plus, they look sleek and sophisticated when paired with a simple cord!

Why not try starting simple. Take a plain washer and some cord (Household twine works well but use coloured wool or leather cord from the craft shop if you’re feeling spicy), loop the cord through the washer and tie an adjustable sliding knot to create an open necklace. This will create a very simple design to base your creations from.

From this you can then begin customising your designs. Add different coloured cord to change the look, wrap it round the wrist several times to create an outdoor aesthetic. Use nail polish to add colour to the washers to create statement pendant necklaces or multicoloured bracelets. Add more washers to the design, use cord to link them together to create a chainmail effect. There are many examples online but be creative – try something different, there are no wrong solutions!

Here are some examples of designs, if you don’t find a style that matches your aesthetic – create a new design that does! These are a great idea for gifts and the possibilities are endless. Have fun!

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